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Academic Advising for Undeclared, Transitional, Pre-Health Professions, and Pre-Law students.

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Emergency Fund
If you need emergency financial support, you may qualify for the Arizona Student Emergency Fund.



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COVID-19 Resources:

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Pre-Health Professions Advising FAQs for COVID-19

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Coping with COVID-19 Stress

Counseling & Psych Services

Student Wellness & Retention Services 


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Advise. Affirm. Attain


We ADVISE students as they explore the institution, AFFIRM their educational goals, and ATTAIN a University of Arizona degree. 

Our work

  • Provide Major Exploration, Pre-Health Professions Advising, and Pre-Law Advising
  • Support students through academic major transition
  • Assist students in designing parallel pathways to degree completion
  • Offer student engagement and leadership opportunities

The University of Arizona sits on the original homelands of indigenous peoples who have stewarded this land since time immemorial. Aligning with the university’s core value of a diverse and inclusive community, it is an institutional responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the people, culture and history that make up the Wildcat community. At the institutional level, it is important to be proactive in broadening awareness throughout campus to ensure our students feel represented and valued.